3: Check out
2: Pick your flowers
1: Introduction
Create your personalised blend: 
Creating a personal blend to aide in your
This is an intuitive process.
Let your body be your guide.
You can choose up to five wildflower essences in one blend by clicking on the appropriate wild flower.
Choosing the wild flowers for your personal blend
Two suggestions:
- Study the flowers, letting the images sink-in – monitor your body's response to each flower.
- With a soft focus scan all the flowers - see if you stop at or are drawn to a certain flower.
Asking a question:
- To get the best results relax and focus on bringing yourself into the present moment.
- Focus on the reason why you wish to create a personal blend. Know yourself!
- Do not choose your favorite flower or color or the one you think you should choose.
- Trust your intuition, trust the body, it knows what it wants.
Keep your intuitive process seamless.
Avoid trying to find out your answer too soon.
Keep your focus until you are sure that you are done.
Once you have completed your selection proceed to the wildflower explanations.
Show flowers
Benefit - Encourages us to look inwards to find our true feelings and communicate with others.
Bluebell urges us to be 'in Nature' and to listen to our hearts. The natural world can help us find the inner space and stillness to listen to our feelings. Finding the words to truly express our inner feelings can help create clear and healthy boundaries in our lives.
Chakras – 5th and 7th
Mineral - Celestite
Benefits - Offers us the protection we need while we face feelings of vulnerability and fear.
As we try to come to terms with grief and loss in our lives, frustration can express itself through anger; Just as the rabbit will hide deep within a Bramble thicket for protection from a fox so Bramble can help us feel safe to explore the dark side of grief and heal deep seated emotions.
Chakras – 1st and 6th
Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Cow Parsley
Benefits - To rest our over active nervous systems and bring stability to our lives.
An over-active mind can create a spiral of negative thoughts and feelings. During sleep, which should be a time of healing for our physical selves, our mental confusion can get the better of us. Peace of mind is imperative for its calming influence on our bodies. Cow Parsley reminds us of the innocence of summer and of being in sweet meadows of wild flowers.
Chakras – 2nd, 4th and 7th
Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Benefits – To help us remember to be gentle on ourselves and take it easy.
Stress is woven into the very fabric of life and a certain amount is healthy. However anxiety and worry can manifest physically in many ways such as tightness in the neck and shoulders or disrupt our digestion systems. As stress builds up so our energetic bodies react negatively. Dandelion can remind us to breath deeply and remember not to take life so seriously.
Chakras – 2nd and 3rd
Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Great Willow Herb
Benefits - To help us embrace our fractured soul and reconnect to our heart’s energy so we can feel safe to love again.
To know one’s self is more than a simple matter of intellectual understanding; it is the compassionate embrace of our fractured soul. Emotional wounds can create such fractures in our energy bodies that we disconnect from our own hearts. Great Willow Herb can help you to heal these past traumas.
Chakras – 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th
Mineral - Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz
Herb Robert
Benefit – To help clear the body and aura of vibrational toxicity and prepare us to shift our focus to the inner planes of knowledge and wisdom.
Stagnant energy or low chi in our bodies can make it difficult for us to focus when we want to listen to our intuition. Herb Robert can weave our mind and heart together as one to find stillness and wisdom within.
Chakras – 2nd and 5th
Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Benefits – To help us feel safe without being vulnerable, allowing us to let intimacy back into our lives.
Relationships in our past may have closed-down our hearts as a form of protection. Sometimes these experiences can be so shocking to us that we never want to feel as vulnerable again. We can create a metaphoric wall around our heart to keep further pain out. But this can close our hearts to any new and loving experiences as well. Honeysuckle can help us to let love back in, so we can heal the past and move forward again with our lives.
Chakras – 1st, 4th and 6th
Minerals - Clear Quartz
Lesser Celandine
Benefit – To boost our confidence by finding the strength and courage to overcome life’s challenges.
To evolve as a spiritual being we must face the fears that hold us back. Scattered thoughts can overwhelm us and make it confusing to know how to proceed with confidence. Lesser Celandine can help us focus our minds to see the path ahead and have the courage not to give up but to persevere.
Chakras – 1st, 4th and 6th
Mineral - Celestite
Marsh Trefoil
Benefits – Balances our heart centre helping us to re-connect to life by showing a greater perspective to our thinking.
When we are trying to be creative or working with new ideas we can feel we are chasing our thoughts and are unable to see the bigger picture. Our bodies may have a certain level of restriction within the connective tissues of the body that may lead to restrictions to our thoughts and ideas. Marsh Trefoil can help to free these restrictions by expanding in our energy body and bringing clarity of vision.
Chakras – 1st, 4th and 7th
Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Moon Daisy
Benefits – To help get our feet back on the ground and bring a more balanced approach to our spiritual seeking and self-development.
In our eagerness to grow spiritually and to find truth in our lives we can sometimes become ungrounded in a swirling mass of information and personal insight. This can put excessive strain on our energy bodies and we can lose focus on what life is actually all about. Moon Daisy can help us see that there is no rush and to take our time as each step we take on our life path reveals truth.
Chakras – 1st, 7th and 9th
Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Benefit - To help purify and fortify our aura and, if we feel especially sensitive to hostile environments, provide psychic protection.
The human energy body or aura is an extension of our selves and a mirror of our physical health. The aura allows us to receive and interpret information from our environment at a subtle energetic level. Nettle can help if we have low energy or chi, which makes our aura sensitive to electro pollution or negative thoughts and feelings from others.
Chakras – 1st, 3rd and 6th
Mineral - Clear Quartz
Pink Campion
Benefits – Helps us in weaving our emotional and spiritual self together by connecting with inner-wisdom.
Our life is a journey, and to connect our hearts and minds we must move into our spirit. As the Buddha said “the only wisdom is compassion” and to find truth in our lives we must move into the world of true wisdom. Pink Campion actively supports our spiritual growth and shows us that compassion and a gentle heart is a true spiritual path.
Chakras – 1st, 4th and 7th
Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Benefit – To help us feel that we are safe, nurtured and secure in the world we live in.
Modern life can make us feel disconnected from the natural world. Emotions such as confusion worry and anxiety can bring disruption to physical and emotional health and relationships. Feeling disconnected from the Earth can create feelings of instability and exclusion. Primrose can help you see that we are a part of a bigger picture that all creation is made with love, so we are made with love.
Chakras – 1st and 3rd
Mineral - Celestite
Purple Clover
Benefits – To help clear and balance our energy bodies.
We all understand the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to the many aspects of our lives. With the challenges that life can offer us our energy body can fluctuate greatly. So that our energy body does not feel overloaded or compromised, it is important to recharge and bring it back to harmony. Purple and White Clover can help us function at our optimum energy level so we are ready to deal with life’s challenges.
Chakras – 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 9th
Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Purple Foxglove
Benefits – Allows us to distance ourselves from emotional turmoil and reveal with remarkable clarity truth behind our feelings.
When we hold emotional turmoil or painful experiences so tightly, it is sometimes difficult to understand them; we become confused and unable to move on in our lives. Purple Foxglove allows us to see with the inner eye – it becomes activated and the veil of illusion is lifted.
Chakras - 1st and 6th
Mineral Essence - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Purple Spotted Orchid
Benefits – To help us change deep seated patterns in our behaviour and to recognise how best to make changes and to support healing.
We can bring to this life experiences from our ancestors that can express themselves as memories or past life experiences. We may sometimes find that we keep repeating the same old patterns over and again. Purple Spotted Orchid can help heal ties from the past freeing you to experience present life in the full.
Chakras – 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th
Mineral - Clear Quartz
Ramson (Wild Garlic)
Benefits – To help us feel protected while we discover what it is that fear is trying to shield us from.
Fear is so misunderstood in our lives. It can literally freeze us into inaction and can create less fluid movement within our energy body. Fear can make us feel vulnerable, unprotected or weak. But fear can save our lives. Ramson fortifies and clears our energy body and can help create a bridge of understanding so we can work more closely with and understand fear.
Chakras – 4th, 7th and 9th
Mineral - Celestite
Red Archangel
Benefits – To help us understand that anger is something not to be afraid of.
Anger can be so misunderstood when actually it is a necessary part of life. It is a natural emotion that is a part of our fight or flight mechanism, but it can be held so deeply within us that only the sub-conscious remembers its true origins. Red Archangel can help us feel protected as we experience this troubling emotion and can help us understand what it is that we have chosen to protect so deeply within ourselves.
Chakras– 1st, 6th and 7th
Mineral – Celestite
Snow Drop
Benefits – To help us see the opportunity in darker moments and to rekindle our personal connection with Spirit.
Grieving can bring a great darkness that can envelop our lives. We can lose hope; feel lost and disconnected and even abandoned by Spirit. Snow Drop offers us hope, a light at the end of the tunnel. It reminds us of the promise of spring, of renewal and to experience joy in our lives again. It will show us how to embrace the grieving process and not be afraid.
Chakras – 2nd and 9th
Mineral – Celestite
St. Johns Wort
Benefits - Offers us peace of mind and positivism, which in turn will help us to laugh with ourselves again and not take life so seriously.
Life can sometimes become so serious, that we become over burdened with our perceived failings, weighed down, ungrounded and unable to laugh. This can make it challenging for us to sustain positive thoughts or feelings. St. Johns Wort can show us how to lighten up and feel grounded within ourselves.
Chakras – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 7th
Mineral - Celestite
Benefits – To help us expand beyond our self-limiting thoughts and feelings, to a more creative space, free from our perceived constraints.
At times in our lives we can feel caught in a rut or feel boxed in by our emotions. We can feel frustrated with not finding a clear path ahead and seeing a new perspective. Tutsan encourages us to lighten up, laugh more and not take it all so seriously. The joy is in the journey.
Chakras – 1st, 2nd and 6th
Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
White Archangel
Benefits - To help balance-out emotions between others and us.
Our journey into healing can sometimes raise difficult memories, feelings and emotions. It may bring to the surface past traumas generating anger towards others and ourselves. White Archangel reminds us of our lightness of being and our connection to spirit. It can help remind us that we are all spiritual beings in human form and encourage forgiveness.
Chakras – 1st, 4th and 9th
Mineral - Celestite
White Foxglove
Benefits – Helps us distance ourselves from our over-loaded thoughts.
When we are unable to switch off an over active mind, the body responds by restricting the flow of energy to our bodies. As our body tries to cope with excessive mental activity we may feel ungrounded and our thoughts can feel as though they are spiraling out of control. White Foxglove encourages us to be in the here and now and trust that through our hearts we will find the stillness within.
Chakras – 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th
Mineral essence - Clear Quartz
Wild Basil
Benefits – Offers us a chance to take a metaphoric breath and find the space we need to ground our overactive minds.
In our quest to evolve as spiritual beings we can grab at life for meaning and understanding. We can reach out so far that we can overload our energy bodies becoming lost in the fog of over activity and lacking focus. Losing the present moment we disconnect from our emotional heart. Wild Basil brings us back to the present and reminds us to have faith and trust in life.
Chakras – 4th, 6th and 7th
Minerals - Celestite and Clear Quartz
Wild Marjoram
Benefits – To help us out of a negative rut, to re-pattern our thoughts and feelings so we can connect with our emotional heart again.
By expressing the same negative thoughts or beliefs about ourselves or a situation we can create entrenched patterns in our lives. We can feel numb to our emotions, trapped inside our heads and disconnected from our bodies. Wild Marjoram can help us align ourselves to love and positivism and to trust all will be well.
Chakras – 5th, 6th and 7th
Mineral - Clear Quartz
Wild Rose
Benefits – It can remind us that we are all good at something.
Life can feel like a treadmill and we can easily lose heart to what in life is really important. We can lose our way and become unsure where to go next. Wild Rose can help us feel real worth in what we are doing and give us honour on the path we have chosen. It is important to feel joy in our hearts and to lighten up and enjoy life, whatever it is we chose to do.
Chakras – 1st and 4th
Mineral - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Wound Wort
Benefits – To help realign our whole energetic body matrix and remind us that we are all connected and loved.
Emotional trauma may be so deep rooted that we do not know where it stems from. We may find relationships hard to commit to or even sustain. If not healed, over time this can create disruption in our energy body, eventually disconnecting us from life and making it hard for us to feel with our emotional heart. Wound Wort can be seen as a ‘heal all’ flower essence that re boots our whole energy system and brings our heart back on line.
Chakras – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz
Yellow Archangel
Benefits – To help us to reinvigorate ourselves and bring vitality to our digestive process.
Digestion is a metabolic action but it can also be understood as the way we process life’s lessons. If this process gets sluggish we can start to feel heavy and blocked with unprocessed emotions that can bring frustration to our lives. Yellow Archangel encourages us to release locked up feelings and resentments and be unafraid of showing our emotions, to digest life’s lessons however painful they may be and offer movement and growth to our lives.
Chakras – 1st, 3rd and 7th
Mineral - Celestite
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Creating your personalised Wildflower blend
Read through the meanings of all the wild flowers you have chosen.
If you are happy with your choice proceed to check out.
You can withdraw individual wild flowers if required from your blend at the checkout.
If at first the flowers that have presented themselves do not seem to immediately answer your questions, do not reject them - stay with them. Give yourself time to reflect on their message; you may need to step away from them; their meaning may not fully reveal themselves until later in the day.
As you get to know the healing properties of the individual wild flowers you may feel you are drawn to one or another because you are aware of their healing properties are – be mindful, these may not be appropriate for a new question.
Intuition is instinctive and an unconscious knowing without deduction or reasoning.
Personal Blend
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