Clear Boundaries wild flower essences

Clear Boundaries - Blended flower essence

Benefits - When you feel you are in conflict with people or are sensitive to negative environments. Offers a psychic shield.

Contains - Wildflower essences:Wild Garlic, Nettle, Bramble.

Mineral essences: Celestite, Clear Quartz & Blulace Agate.


Offers us the protection we need while we face feelings of vulnerability and fear.

As we try to come to terms with grief and loss in our lives, frustration can express itself through anger; Just as the rabbit will hide deep within a Bramble thicket for protection from a fox so Bramble can help us feel safe to explore the dark side of grief and heal deep seated emotions.

Chakras – 1st and 6th

Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz

Wild Garlic (Ramson)

To help us feel protected while we discover what it is that fear is trying to shield us from.

Fear is so misunderstood in our lives. It can literally freeze us into inaction and can create less fluid movement within our energy body. Fear can make us feel vulnerable, unprotected or weak. But fear can save our lives. Ramson fortifies and clears our energy body and can help create a bridge of understanding so we can work more closely with and understand fear.

Chakras - 4th, 7th and 9th

Mineral - Celestite


To help purify and fortify our aura and, if we feel especially sensitive to hostile environments, provide psychic protection.

The human energy body or aura is an extension of our selves and a mirror of our physical health. The aura allows us to receive and interpret information from our environment at a subtle energetic level. Nettle can help if we have low energy or chi, which makes our aura sensitive to electro pollution or negative thoughts and feelings from others.

Chakras - 1st, 3rd and 6th

Minerals - Clear Quartz

15ml. £9.25 Add to cart