Electro Guard wild flower essences

Safe & Secure - Blended flower essence

Benefits - To help you feel that you are safe, nurtured and secure in the world in which you live.

Contains - Wildflower essences:Wild Basil, Nettle, Primrose.

Mineral essences: Celestite & Clear Quartz.

Wild Basil

Offers us a chance to take a metaphoric breath and find the space we need to ground our overactive minds.

In our quest to evolve as spiritual beings we can grab at life for meaning and understanding. We can reach out so far that we can overload our energy bodies becoming lost in the fog of over activity and lacking focus. Losing the present moment we disconnect from our emotional heart. Wild Basil brings us back to the present and reminds us to have faith and trust in life.

Chakras – 4th, 6th and 7th

Minerals - Celestite and Clear Quartz


To help us feel that we are safe, nurtured and secure in the world we live in.

Modern life can make us feel disconnected from the natural world. Emotions such as confusion worry and anxiety can bring disruption to physical and emotional health and relationships. Feeling disconnected from the Earth can create feelings of instability and exclusion. Primrose can help you see that we are a part of a bigger picture that all creation is made with love, so we are made with love.

Chakras - 1st and 3rd

Minerals - Celestite


To help purify and fortify our aura and, if we feel especially sensitive to hostile environments, provide psychic protection.

The human energy body or aura is an extension of our selves and a mirror of our physical health. The aura allows us to receive and interpret information from our environment at a subtle energetic level. Nettle can help if we have low energy or chi, which makes our aura sensitive to electro pollution or negative thoughts and feelings from others.


Chakras - 1st, 3rd and 6th

Minerals - Clear Quartz

15ml. £9.25 Add to cart