Lighten Up

Lighten Up - Blended flower essence

Benefits - For those times when life seems burdensome or when we are getting all to serious.

Contains - Wildflower essences:St.John’s Wort,Tutsan, Dandelion.

Mineral essences: Celestite, Clear Quartz & Blulace Agate.

St. Johns Wort

Offers us peace of mind and positivism, which in turn will help us to laugh with ourselves again and not take life so seriously.

Life can sometimes become so serious, that we become over burdened with our perceived failings, weighed down, ungrounded and unable to laugh. This can make it challenging for us to sustain positive thoughts or feelings. St. Johns Wort can show us how to lighten up and feel grounded within ourselves.

Chakras – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 7th

Minerals - Celestite


Benefits – To help us expand beyond our self-limiting thoughts and feelings, to a more creative space, free from our perceived constraints.

At times in our lives we can feel caught in a rut or feel boxed in by our emotions. We can feel frustrated with not finding a clear path ahead and seeing a new perspective. Tutsan encourages us to lighten up, laugh more and not take it all so seriously. The joy is in the journey.

Chakras - 1st, 2nd and 6th

Mineral Essence - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz


To help us remember to be gentle on ourselves and take it easy.

Stress is woven into the very fabric of life and a certain amount is healthy. However anxiety and worry can manifest physically in many ways such as tightness in the neck and shoulders or disrupt our digestion systems. As stress builds up so our energetic bodies react negatively. Dandelion can remind us to breath deeply and remember not to take life so seriously.

Chakras - 2nd and 3rd Minerals - Bluelace Agate and Clear Quartz

15ml. £9.25 Add to cart